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Taking the side of working households first.


The San Francisco Bay Area is the wellspring for liberalism in the United States but exactly what that means and how it is practiced depends on a variety of factors from ethnicity, to income level, to education, to where in the Bay one lives. Marcus Ismael’s vision of liberalism is qualified by answering the following four questions:

  • Does an idea or policy achieve equity in society by uplifting current or historically marginalized groups of people?

  • Is it backed by a belief in government as a force of positive change? In other words: is it well-intentioned?

  • Is the way it would have to be enacted responsible from a financial perspective and is the way it will be implemented the most practical?

  • Does this help working people - not those who are wealthy and well-connected?

These four considerations form the foundations of Marcus’ belief system and frames his understanding of the world as it is today. At their core, these questions guide the conversation of what kind of Bay Area we all deserve to enjoy.

Streets designed for all users - not just cars.

Streets designed for all users - not just cars.

More homes, more families in every neighborhood.

More homes, more families in every neighborhood.

Faster, more reliable transit that is also affordable.

Faster, more reliable transit that is also affordable.

Preparing our city for the worst and keeping everyone safe.

Preparing our city for the worst and keeping everyone safe.

Undoing our nation’s legacy built on white supremacy.

Undoing our nation’s legacy built on white supremacy.

Local dollars in local hands and helping small businesses survive.

Local dollars in local hands and helping small businesses survive.

Standing up for the worker - not the mega-corporations.

Standing up for the worker - not the mega-corporations.

The fight to keep Black, Latino, and Asian communities alive and well.

The fight to keep Black, Latino, and Asian communities alive and well.

Expand the Board of Supervisors, enact real term limits, and combat corruption.

Expand the Board of Supervisors, enact real term limits, and combat corruption.